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Library Student Employee Guide: Slack

Training & easy reference guide for Library Student Assistants
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What is Slack?

Slack is an online communication tool that you will use to communicate with each other and with your supervisor, Rose. It's similar to Discord!

How do I access Slack?

Our slack is located at:

Once you visit this site and log in, you can download the Slack app to your phone or personal computer (if you want to!).

How do I use Slack?

Once you are hired, Anne will send you an invitation to join our slack page. There, you'll see all the different channels you can post in. See the channel key on the right for more information.

After that, you should open Slack as soon as you clock in for your shift. Slack should remain open with notifications on for the duration of your shift. You should use slack to:

  • Ask Anne a question & get a quick response
  • Check for new projects or work tasks
  • Ask someone to swap a shift if you know you'll be absent
  • Chat with your coworkers!

Setting up your Slack profile

When you log into slack for the first time, be sure to edit your profile with:

  • Your name
  • An image (optional)
  • Under preferences, be sure that your notifications are set to "All new messages"

Channel Guide

We have different channels on Slack. Here's a guide on what to post where:

#Announcements - Be sure to check this channel as soon as you've clocked in for the day. Here is where I'll post any news or updates for the day, such as visitors coming into the building, librarians being out of the office, changes to your workday or shift, or reminders about your timesheets.

Use this channel for any announcements you have for all student employees

#To-Do - Any other tasks I have for student employees will be posted here. Once the task is done, post in this channel that it has been completed.

Use this channel for any discussion related to tasks posted there.

DM's (Direct Messages) - You can DM me or any other student employee.

Use this channel for any personal messages or conversations you need to have with me that don't pertain to other student employees.

Park University Library
8700 NW River Park Drive, Box 61 - Parkville, MO - 64152
Phone: (816) 584-6285
Toll-free: (800) 270-4347