A searchable archive of 441 works of classical literature by 59 different authors. Includes mainly Greek and Roman texts (in English translation), but also some Chinese and Persian works, complete with commentary." Maintained by Daniel C. Stevenson (MIT).
Includes links to full text material from the medieval period, an index of selected and excerpted texts for teaching, secondary sources, multimedia, etc. Edited by Paul Halsall
"The goal of the TEAMS Middle English text series is to make available to teachers and students texts which occupy an important place in the literary & cultural canon but which have not been readily available in student editions."
Includes material by and about Chaucer, Gawain, Julian of Norwich, Margery Kempe, and Malory, plus Medieval plays and lyrics. Edited by Anniina Jokinen.
Contains information on, as well as the text of poems by Rupert Brooke, Wilfred Owen, Isaac Rosenberg and others. There is also a chronology of World War I and a bibliography. Also includes some audio material. Maintained by Harry Rusche (Emory University).
A hypertext devoted to Beat authors maintained by Levi Asher - "unaffiliated with any corporation, university or organization." Contains biographical material, bibliographies, photographs and much interesting information about the Beats and Beat culture.
Includes an impressive collection of articles and other material from and about American literature, art, politics and sociology of the 1950's. Maintained by Alan Filreis for a course at the University of Pennsylvania.
Provides an introduction to contemporary postcolonial authors. Organized by country, the site offers geographical and historical background for each country and a wide variety of essays on each author.
"An annotated bibliography of prose, poetry, film, video and art which is being developed as a dynamic, accessible, comprehensive resource in medical humanities." It is a multi-institutional project, centered at NYU School of Medicine, coordinated by Dr. Felice Aull.
Explores the influence of 45 writers on U.S. culture. These include Abraham Lincoln, Mark Twain, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Edith Wharton, Ernest Hemingway, Black Elk, Will Rogers and William Buckley as well as other literary and historical figures. Produced by C-SPAN to accompany a TV program.
Using maps and photographs from the collections of the Library of Congress, this exhibition documents the connections between America's geography and its literature.
Provides an overview of literature of the American South, a bibliography by the late Robert Bain, the full text of about 70 primary works, and a considerable amount of critical material. (UNC Chapel Hill)
Devoted to the study of environmental literature and culture. Its resources include a bibliography, an "Ecocritical Library," syllabi and discussion lists.
A project to provide access to Canada's published heritage. Over 1,037,000 pages have been digitized. It features work published from the time of the first European settlers up to the early 20th century.
"Developed at University College Cork, the Corpus of Electronic Texts project is intended to "bring the wealth of Irish literary and historical culture (in Irish, Latin, Anglo-Norman French, and English) to the Internet in a rigorously scholarly project."
Online version of the leading U.S. poetry magazine. Includes a directory of writers, information about grants and conferences, audio clips and other resources.
A resource for British poets & poetry. Includes an online poetry classroom project, information about poetry events in the London area, lists of forthcoming poetry titles in the UK and links to two poetry Society journals, Poetry Review and Poetry News
The site of the Academy of American Poets - includes biographies and other information about 450 American poets, with selections from their works & some audio clips. Also contains a database of 1200 poems searchable by title & first line.
A joint venture of University of North Carolina Press and the UNC Office of Information Technology. Its goal is to make available selected poems from a number of contemporary poets. The initial offering includes Seamus Heaney, Czeslaw Milosz and Philip Levine. It contains the text of selected poems, critical material and audio clips of the poets reading their own work.
A collection of English-language sonnets including sonnets from Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand, and a few from France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Sweden in English translation. For each author a brief introduction and sometimes a portrait precede links to individual sonnets. Maintained by Eric Blomquist.
A collection of online works printed in English between the years 1477 and 1799. These texts have been carefully produced, but are not being presented as scholarly editions. The general editor is Richard Bear (University of Oregon).
"A collection of pre-Victorian women's writing in English... The texts cover a huge range of genres and topics, and represent an unparalleled resource for the study of women's writing and history, and of English literature generally." (Brown U).
An attempt to provide a comprehensive collection of pointers to eighteenth-century material across a variety of disciplines. It includes links to collections of texts, documents, conference information, societies, bibliographies, biographies, exhibitions and web pages of individuals working on the eighteenth-century. It brings together a tremendous amount of material from and on this period available on the net. Maintained by Jack Lynch (Rutgers).
A historical anthology of English poetry from the early medieval period to the early twentieth century. It includes poems as well as criticism of poetry. It provides author, title, date and keyword indexes.
A website devoted to the study of Romantic period literature and culture. It contains, for example, an Anthologies section which "seeks to provide a comprehensive list of all the major anthologies currently available for the study of Romantic literature, tables of contents for those anthologies, supplementary anthologies that assist the study of Romantic literature, and errata for various anthologies."
A collection of American poetry published prior to 1920 (mostly 19th century) coded in SGML in conformance with the Text Encoding Initiative. Verse was selected for this project "from standard bibliographies, anthologies, and histories of American literature....These were supplemented by specialized bibliographies of writing by American women and people of color." A joint project of the Humanities Text Initiative and the University of Michigan Press.
Over 2800 novels and other works of fiction published between 1851 and 1875, with more to be added. The site consists of scanned images of the original volumes. A project of many Big Ten university libraries hosted at Indiana University