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eBooks: More eBook Functions

A quick guide to downloading EBSCO e-books to desktops, laptops, or mobile devices.

Save, Print, Email eBook Chapters

Can I print or save EBSCO eBook pages as a PDF?

Depending on publisher-specified limits, up to 100 pages of an EBSCO eBook can be printed, saved or emailed as a PDF file (per user) from within the eBook viewer to be printed at a later time.


  • Some titles may not allow for printing due to individual publisher-specified limits.
  • The number of pages may vary depending on individual publisher-specified limits.
  • If you have reached your printing limit, the option to print or save eBook pages will be temporarily unavailable.

To learn how to save, print, or email eBook Chapters, see:

Finding the Simultaneous User License for an eBook

How to Check for an Unlimited Access EBSCO eBook

To check for an EBSCO eBook that includes Unlimited Access, find an eBook of interest and navigate to the Detailed Record.

The Detail Record contains the license information, displaying either Limited Access (1 or 3 copies available) or Unlimited Access.

For limited access titles, you may still save and use PDF chapters in your class under copyright limitations. However, if you’d like to link to the title or make the title available for everyone to view online or download at the same time, you’ll want to make sure the title has an Unlimited User Access. Please contact a librarian to ask if expanded user rights are available.

EBSCO eBook Accessibility

Are EBSCO eBooks accessible to screen readers?

Adobe Digital Editions is designed to work with assistive technologies on Mac and Windows, like JAWS and VoiceOver.

Free NaturalReader may also be used for reading ebooks (as image captures) and other electronic documents.

What is the EPUB format?

EPUB has become the industry standard format for delivering eBooks, because it enables publishers to create books with links between sections and out to the open web.

To learn more about EPUB format, see What is EPUB for EBSCO eBooks?

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