Stuck for inspiration? Use some of these sources to explore current issues to find a topic.
Features continuously updated viewpoints, topic overviews, full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, statistics, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites related to relevant contemporary issues.
As you do exploratory research on your topic, consider how other authors are discussing your topic:
As you explore what has already been written, it may help you figure out what questions and ideas you have on the topic. Academic writing is a conversation, and your voice is just as important as the voices of published authors!
Posing questions about your topic will help you identify an aspect of the topic you'd like to focus on. Start with some of the questions listed on the infographic/handout below. Which questions seem most important and interesting to you?
Use the video below from Clemson University Libraries to learn more about joining the scholarly conversation.
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